Friday, August 26

Blogs are for Bloggers

When one thinks back, one can see other blogs to realise how true it is. We write all kinds o stuff comfortable in the fact that we can always refute whatever reaction we receive by stating the fact that this is a personal place . Right is what we think is right.

Matter of fact that we are screaming for attention .

What is even more interesting is when people write to justify and substantiate their personality. It is so funny especially when you actually know the person.. Most of the blogs are an an exact opposite of the personality behind it.. Is it alter ego..

Why do i write.. Am i screaming for attention.. Does this make you think..

Are you.. in the deepest of your hearts questioning things.. Do you see your face in the mirror..

I see mine..


Saturday, August 20

A lie or the truth

I have a dear old friend who, in his relationships, would always says things that are convenient  to avoid conflicts. I used to get so exasperated listening to him.

He used to look at me smile, and and say, some day you will understand...

To what extent will one go to maintain a truth..
Sometimes you get into a situation where the other person feels that what you say is untruthful. They are so sure. Now,  it could be a perceived sense of righteousness or a strong sense of gut feel based on previous experiences in life . So strong are their convictions that  they choose to put it to a choice to win it or to lose it all..

What is so difficult about accepting something that is not right.. It should be a no brainier when faced with such dire consequences.. Why do people die for what they believe is right..

I guess people die because both sides believe they are right and don't want to let go of their version of truth...

So truth can kill you.. Oops set you free i mean..

Lie ... And lie with with conviction and you will have a far easier life.. Of course you will have to keep lying to maintain it.. .

A lie is mostly  underrated as it has the potential to make things better.. However Its a lot of hard work, truth on the other hand is easy but painful..

So is a liar as good a person as one who never lies?

Boy am i beginning to see my friend's point of view...

I wonder...  What is important ?..




Friday, August 19

Anna Hazare and his tryst with corruption..

Almost everyone i meet  has a thought or two about what Anna Hazare is doing..  Some people try to be different to the point of being such hypocritical show offs.. Is what he is doing so bad.

 I believe it isn't  ..

Regardless of the fallout his intentions are right.. As a person who hardly has anytime for himself, Why do i feel touched by what he is doing. Am i so fed up with the corruption and feel so helpless about the situation around me that even a notion of what that man is doing has started to mean so much for me...

I always wonder how it was when Bapu had started the Civil Disobedience Movement. I guess must be a bit like now.. Are we seeing a new Bapu in the making..

I believe he has the courage to do what many are thinking..

Go with god Anna ji.

Tuesday, August 16

To blog or not to ..

I always wondered why were writers such depressives .. I found out a few days ago.. Writing is so unbalanced.. This is no substitute to speaking and talking.. One so falls in love with their own words. It becomes its own justification and its own raison d' etre...

When you talk you are forced to listen to someone else'e percepective regardless of the fact whether you accept it or not..  The truth lingers in your mind and heart. It resurfaces when you are relaxed and makes you question your convictions...  That is good..  Brings a balance to life...

A few good things i learnt..

I like to write and seem to be reasonably good at it
Dont write when are not feeling too good bout things.. it only makes things worse..
When you like someone you like them regardless..
When you like people be ready for a world of hurt..

Well.. Does it make any difference...

Nah not a bit.. It tells me am alive..

I keep thinking.. pint size pocket of trouble..

Fond memories....

Am smiling  again..

Sunday, August 14

The ugly Truth..

Amazing movie. Funny stuff.

Put in words a lot of things I felt... Am sure a lot of guys would identify with the movie especially when they are getting exasperated with women... It is true isn't it...? Even though women would never admit it... Men are after all a checklist...  On one hand they look for love packaged in that comfortable pack... On the other hand they will tell you that men like the notion of the women and not the real person that they are...

Tell me this who would stay around a person who nags the hell out of you... if you didn’t believe that there is something better at the end of the rainbow... Would women stick around for a guy like that...

Juvenile eh.. But would they listen.. Ohhh no.... never in a million years..
So I guess it is lucky for women that men see what they like and hang around and in the meanwhile the smart ones (women) figure out what’s important in life... Others would perhaps be lucky enough to watch this movie...


Saturday, August 13

Me and relationships

Sometimes i wish i was young again.. There would be people around to guide me.. I guess there is a time for every thing in your life. it is really difficult to find a mate and settle down..  all the more so when you progress farther in your life..Relationships are so difficult especially when you have not had much in terms of experience..

It is easy to be in a relationship where the other person is easy going and friendly.. Its when women take that difficult stance when i cannot get through to them and then it snowballs into an avalanche...

Wish I was like those smart guys who always know what to say..  Perhaps women treat all men  like these guys and expect me to react accordingly. But then that is not me...

There is so much to say.. So much that is left unsaid.. Of all all those good things possible, all you are left with a silence,  and that immense sense of sadness.  Wish one could have a fair chance at life....

Just dont know what to do..

Am so pissed off..


Wednesday, August 10

Give in to me....

......................................................... .

I’m gonna wear you down
I’m gonna make you see
I’m gonna get to you
You’re gonna give into me
I’m gonna start a fire
You’re gonna feel the heat
I’m gonna burn for you
You’re gonna melt for me
You’re gonna take my hand
Whisper the sweetest words
And if you’re ever sad
I’ll make you laugh
I’ll chase the hurt
My heart is set on you
I don’t want no one else
And if you don’t want me
I guess I’ll be all by myself
Come on, come on
Into my arms
Come on, come on
Give into me

Country Strong.........


Monday, August 8

But then i thought....

No wonder they are such contrary creatures.. if you can follow my previous post then you are in some esteemed company............................

God bless........

Woman And Love.. By a woman...

Was reading thru some blogs .. found this.. It was perfect...

Pleasing a woman is hard, I’d tell you that especially when you are not really in love with her… and love in itself is a very complicated emotion to deal with. Reminds me of what Woody Allen said: To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness.

Saturday, August 6

How easy is Life...

Life is as easy or as difficult as you make it...  The best joys are so basic and simple..  We as people complicate life.. Likes dislikes are so simple... We coat it in veneer of society and pretenses... I wish people would respect people and be honest to themselves...

Relationships would become so easy.. we would have more time to live, feel and be happy rather than fending off or managing issues created by our egos..

I wish things were so easy.. Superficial it may seem to some who read between the lines.. but then...

A drink does simplify a lot of things and gives you  a headache the day next..

Here's to simple things and headaches..


Friday, August 5

What's important..

I was watching this English movie..

It is set in Ireland, with this Irish guy and an American girl trying to get to Dublin..  He says"if your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would take"..  Set me thinking.. given a choice in life what is the one thing i would keep ..

Just realized.. My peace of mind...

Something that i value above all.  I will not trade it over a chance at happiness for my peace of mind is for real. Happiness is a fluttering emotion here today there tomorrow strongly influenced by external elements..

I wonder if one can be happy yet not at peace with yourself..

Guess I am still trying to figure that one out..

Wednesday, August 3

The solid truth....

As human beings we are all creatures of habit. It is out of sheer force of habit that we try to justify our actions. The more verbose we are , the more successful we are in portraying a nonchalant or even a "C'est pas moi" stance..The problem is ..what do we do to that voice of conscience deep down in our heart which tell us things that we don’t want to talk about..

What story do we tell that voice.. It’s no wonder that the wise say we have to live with our conscience…

Today that voice isn’t speaking to me.. Yet why am I not happy..

I guess being right does not make you happy..

Only happiness will…

C’est  la vie……