Monday, December 31

We See what we want to...

My previous post talked about love and betrayal. had a few comments there from people. Most considered the post in light of a romantic betrayal. Love exists in many forms, between brother & Sister, Mother and children etc etc... It could be real or perceived..  But its real for the person who feels it.. Think of what a betrayal would feel in such a relationship..

Devastating isnt  it.. Yet it shows us how resilient we are as human beings...


Sunday, December 30

betrayal and Love or is it betrayal of love

Makes you wonder isn't it.. Should it be love n betrayal or should it be betrayal of love.... I guess there cannot be  betrayal without love.. And boy does it hurt... it does.    Had a friend go through it recently.. One can see the pain visibly.. That the hurt of disappointment .. of a sense of loss which cannot be explained...  Luckily for my friend she had someone who loved her immensely stand by her to hold her hand.and make her laugh despite her tears.... I guess it is in such times one finds out who loves you and will stand by you..

I can see better times ahead for her and hope when my time come. Am as lucky as she was... Given a choice i'd rather be kicked by a mule..

C'est la vie....
