Sunday, July 14

Love is like a Dog.. Different isn't it ... :)

I haven't seen a lazy idle dog bite anyone . But even lazy idle dogs bite when they get get bothered or irritated ...

Love is that Dog that we bother so much even when it is happy playing with you that it ends up first with a warning growl and  trying to bite without hurting and then a real good bite where it hurts the most...

Our expectations get so ahead of us that we ignore the warnings and get bitten for real... We don't let things be and be happy..

When have you really seen a person happy in love... CONTINUOUSLY

So either way love bites .. Enjoy while the happiness lasts cause surely we will end up looking for the unhappiness..

Old Chinese Saying "be careful what you wish for"...
"You just might get it"

cheers !


A story with with a perspective....

There is this story about a couple a man and a woman, who loved each other to eternity, married to each other for 30-40 Yrs.

Then one day the woman falls ill and is on her death bed. The Gods are so moved by their love for each other that they come and talk to the man and tell him... "Look your mate's time has come and she has to die.

What can we do help",we cannot extend her life.. The man thinks long and hard and his gaze falls on the tree in his courtyard and he says. "When my love dies let her soul reside in the tree yonder. So be it say the GODS and the woman dies... Every day the man longingly waters the tree, sits in the shade and talks to tree and in return the woman's soul talks back and they are happy again.. After a while they feel that it is not the same as before and they pray to the Gods.

The gods appear and ask what they want.. So the man says if my love's soul has to reside somewhere let it reside in me so that we shall be together all the time. The Gods say that it is not possible as one body cannot have two souls. The couple finally make the GODS agree. The Gods put the woman's soul into the man. For a while they are happy and then after a few days the man stops eating and he dies. Their son asks the Gods why did my dad stop eating and why did he die.

The God says, their souls were together, their thoughts were one. Their pains now were multiple.

There was nothing more to share, there was nothing left to live for...


Memories of a time 8 years Ago...

"Love is elusive.... It is fleeting feeling of longing and loss. Sometimes exhilaration and Bliss... sometimes unfathomable sorrow...

Love is when you want to be with a person anytime and every time despite the fact that you end up feeling all o the above...

Love is walking the woods together just not speaking out... or sometimes love is walking in the woods alone not feeling that you are alone because you are in love...

Love is..... I guess we are all suckers for pain, because it makes us realize the joy we miss when we are not with the person we love...

In the End love is that elusive thing that keeps us all alive...

Love is.. ?

Well Love is........... "
