Monday, May 30

Days of innocence......

I see you all having a good time together... i remember

Not long ago we were kids...How things have changed..  We have become men.. with kids and families of our own.. Time and life has driven us across continents...

Remember all four of us going to school in our Blue shorts and white shirts..   Far away from fashion or the things that make the world go round..
Biggest worry the impending school exams. The biggest joy playing cricket with classmates...  Do anything to avoid the first and acheive the second..

Remember the time when we used to drive the history teacher mad so that she would give us time out and one by one all the 13 boys would be sent out..
 the last one out always carried the Bat and the ball to play cricket. :).. Remember the time when the  Maths teacher would say write Given and to Prove in our geometry tests so that at least we would get some marks.. he beleived we were good for nothing... So many memories.. All of then inconsequential in the day and age we live in...

Yet those memories linger..  bonds remain and friendships endure..

We who have seen so much..  There is more to live and see..

To my freinds... live on and remember

Cause i do...

Here's to old friends and new life...
